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Cyberculture News: Portentous Headlines.

The Cyberculture News is proud to announce the publishing of The Portentous Headlines. These are the headlines that turn on the light bulb in the brain and suggest a potential play for the opportunistic headline trader. The Portentous Headlines foresees the future from the past.

Some voters say sexism less offensive than racism
CNN reached out to a group of Ohio voters to get their views on the role sexism and racism are playing in the presidential race.

The real impact of iPhone and Android
The iPhone and the Google Android platform, which was finally shown-off (sort of) in Barcelona this week, aren’t mobile telephones.

Venezuela requests help from US senator
Venezuela's ambassador to the US has asked Sen. Richard Lugar to press Exxon Mobil Corp. to drop legal measures that have frozen $12 billion in assets worldwide.

Newspapers band together in ad effort
Tribune, Gannett, Hearst and The New York Times Co. create online advertising network in an attempt to regain ad revenue lost to the web.

Pamela Anderson campaigns for seals in Paris

FDA Seeks to Broaden Range of Use for Drugs
When federal drug regulators approve a medicine for sale, they limit how drug makers sell it. A drug approved to treat only breast cancer cannot be marketed for lung cancer even if some studies suggest that the medicine ...

China Didn’t Check Drug Supplier, Files Show
A Chinese factory that supplies much of the active ingredient for a brand of a blood thinner that has been linked to four deaths in the United States is not certified by China’s drug regulators to make pharmaceutical ...

US doctors group backs marijuana for medical uses
(Reuters) - A leading US doctors group has endorsed using marijuana for medical purposes, urging the US government to roll back a prohibition on using it to treat patients and supporting studies into its medical

Happy Hearts Need Clean Air
A recent study in Denmark demonstrates the value that clean air in the home or other closed environments has on healthy heart function.

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